Continuando sobre Carb Cycling (carboidratos alternados). Pesquisadores do Hospi…

Continuando sobre Carb Cycling (carboidratos alternados). Pesquisadores do Hospital Universidade no Sul de Manchester Inglaterra descobriram que a restrição de carboidratos 2 vezes na semana pode ser uma melhor estratégia do que as dietas padrão (neste caso estavam focados na prevenção de câncer de mama). Michelle Harvie PhD (nutricionista e pesquisadora) e seus colegas compararam três dietas durante quatro meses com foco em perda de peso e sinais de câncer de mama no sangue entre as 115 mulheres com história familiar da doença. Dados revelaram que ambas as dietas (intermitente e baixo carbo) eram superiores que o padrão para reduzir peso gordura corporal e resistência à insulina. A redução de peso e gordura corporal foi de 4 kg com as dietas carb cycling (intermitente) comparado com 2.4 kg com as dietas padrão. Researchers at Genesis Prevention Center (University Hospital in South Manchester) found that restricting carbohydrates two days per week may be a better dietary aporoach than a standard diet program (in this occasion they were focus in breast cancer prevention). Michelle Harvie PhD SRD a research dietician at Genesis and her colleagues compared 3 diets during four months for effects on weight loss and blood markers of breast cancer risk among 115 women with a family history of breast cancer. Data revealed that both intermittent low carb diet were superior to the standard in reducing weight body fat and insulin resistance. Mean reduction in weight and body fat was roughly 4 kg with the intermittent approaches compared with 2.4 kg with the standard dietary approach. Source: American Association for Cancer Research. “Intermittent low-carbohydrate diets more successful than standard dieting study finds. “ScienceDaily 8 December 2011. #carbcycling #intermittentfeasting #lowcarb #highcarb #diet #fatloss #weightloss #quickresults #sportsnutrition #food #fatlossjourney #fitlondoners #dieta #carboidratos #carbointermitente #mudancacorporal #queimadegordura #baixocarbo #altocarbo #comidadeverdade #nutricao #nutricaoesportiva #braziliannutrition #teamcerebro #teambomsenso #bichoeplanta #fitness by braziliannutrition

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